Last modified: 19 Dezember 2024Installation
Download the .zip file from the received email link
Extract the .zip File
Click View -> BEYOND Universe
Click File -> Open layout
Select the .BeyondLayout file in the extracted folder and click open
Setup Right Universe

To setup the color picker as a tab next to your live controls, right click any tab on the right panel and click Setup Tabs... In here select the Right Universe option and click ok.


The interface of the color picker is divided into multiple sections.
In the Color picker section you can drag / tap to select your new color.
In the Preview section you will get a preview off your selected color.
The Presets section is used to store presets of your selected colors.
Note that each color picker has its own 5 presets.
The Complementary section is used to quickly get the complementary color of the other selection.
In the Commands section you can find Buttons that will affect the behaviour of your color selection.
Setting a Color
To set a color, click any point on the x/y color picker.
Use the slider to the right to adjust the saturation.
In the preview section you are able to see your selected color.
Saving Presets
To save a preset pick the desired color on the color picker where you want to recall it.
Click the update button once to enter update mode.
Click the preset position where you want to save your new color.
Loading Presets
To load to preset, simply click on a preset that corresponds to your color.
Get complementary Colors
To automatically get the complementary color click the complementary button to load the complementary of the other picker.